2018-06-14 12:16:00 UTC
I'm working on meta-tegra layer and I'd like to append a recipe. The
original recipe looks like this:
I've made a tegra-tools_28.2.0.bbappend to change the default PM_CONFIG
DEFAULT from 2 to 3 to get max performance in nvpmodel.conf configuration
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files/tegra186:"
SRC_URI_prepend_tegra186 += "file://nvpmodel.conf "
do_install_append_tegra186() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
install -m 0755 ${B}/usr/sbin/nvpmodel ${D}${sbindir}/
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nvpmodel.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/nvpmodel.conf
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
install -m 0644 ${S}/nvpmodel.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/nvpmodel
install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
install -m 0644 ${S}/nvpmodel.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
Would you have any idea why the nvpmodel.conf prepend is ignored and the
file never ends up in ${WORKDIR}.
I've made sure the paths are correct. nvpmodel.conf exists and if I put a
typo like nvpmodel.conf_blabla bitbake throws a warning that it cannot find
the file. So I'm sure the file is found but somehow bitbake ignores it.
I'm having this issue with this one single recipe only, none of the others
in my build system so I'm a bit puzzled.
I'm working on meta-tegra layer and I'd like to append a recipe. The
original recipe looks like this:
I've made a tegra-tools_28.2.0.bbappend to change the default PM_CONFIG
DEFAULT from 2 to 3 to get max performance in nvpmodel.conf configuration
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files/tegra186:"
SRC_URI_prepend_tegra186 += "file://nvpmodel.conf "
do_install_append_tegra186() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
install -m 0755 ${B}/usr/sbin/nvpmodel ${D}${sbindir}/
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nvpmodel.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/nvpmodel.conf
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
install -m 0644 ${S}/nvpmodel.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/nvpmodel
install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
install -m 0644 ${S}/nvpmodel.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
Would you have any idea why the nvpmodel.conf prepend is ignored and the
file never ends up in ${WORKDIR}.
I've made sure the paths are correct. nvpmodel.conf exists and if I put a
typo like nvpmodel.conf_blabla bitbake throws a warning that it cannot find
the file. So I'm sure the file is found but somehow bitbake ignores it.
I'm having this issue with this one single recipe only, none of the others
in my build system so I'm a bit puzzled.