[yocto] Yocto Project Status WW48’18
Jolley, Stephen K
2018-11-27 15:48:07 UTC
Current Dev Position: YP 2.7 M1.

Next Deadline: YP 2.7 M1 Cutoff is Dec. 10, 2018

SWAT Team Rotation:

· SWAT lead is currently: Ross

· SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Amanda on Nov. 30, 2018

· SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Chen on Dec. 7, 2018

· https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Build_Failure_Swat_Team

Key Status/Updates:

· YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) is out of QA and being reviewed. It should release in the next few days. See the QA Report: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/WW46_-_2018-11-14_-_Full_Test_Cycle_2.4.4_RC1 and the Release Criteria: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Project_v2.4_Status#Yocto_Project_2.4.4_release

· The autobuilder was significantly reworked during the quiet period of the US holidays. There was a separate email sent out about the details of this:


· As part of those changes, all builds with the appropriate code (currently master+thud) now publish xml results files containing all the results of the automated testing. We now need tooling to better analyse and process these results into human readable summaries (especially for ptest) and to highlight regressions.

· We’d like to recognise Joshua Watt for some great work in automating SDK tests on meta-mingw. This is now active on the autobuilder for master testing 64 bit mingw builds.

· These changes also mean we now can test oe-selftest on all the distros we officially test upon. Unfortunately that has the side effect of highlighting how unstable oe-selftest has become. We’re in need to help to try and solve some of these issues. A separate email was sent out on this topic:


· Until the stability issues are resolved it will likely impact patch merging and divert attention away from other patches such as the sstate hash equivalence and perl/python version upgrades.

Planned Releases for YP 2.7:

· YP 2.7 M1 Cutoff is Dec. 10, 2018

· YP 2.7 M1 Release Target is Dec. 21, 2018

· YP 2.7 M2 Cutoff is Jan. 21, 2019

· YP 2.7 M2 Release Target is Feb. 1, 2019

· YP 2.7 M3 Cutoff is Feb. 25, 2019

· YP 2.7 M3 Release Target is Mar. 8, 2019

· YP 2.7 M4 Cutoff is Apr. 1, 2019

· YP 2.7 M4 Release Target is Apr. 26, 2019

Planned upcoming dot releases:

· YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) should release soon.

· YP 2.5.2 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.4.4 is done.

· YP 2.6.1 (Thud) will be targeted after YP 2.7 M1 is done.

· YP 2.5.3 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.7 M4 is done.

· YP 2.6.2 (Thud) will be targeted after YP 2.5.3 is done.

Tracking Metrics:

· WDD 2426 (last week 2418) (https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)

· Poky Patch Metrics

o Total patches found: 1682 (last week 1711)

o Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 734 (44%) [last week 738 (43%)]

Key Status Links for YP:




The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
• Cell: (208) 244-4460
• Email: ***@intel.com
