[yocto] Yocto Thud - /lib64 link - Build Failure
Chuck Wolber
2018-11-29 00:09:50 UTC
Background: I have an image that works in pyro. I am migrating the image to

Some of the add-on code to our image requires the /lib64 directory (in
particular the VirtualBox Additions). I have proven that a simple symlink
(/lib -> /lib64) fixes the problem. This symlink was being applied with the
following code at the very bottom of the image:

IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "symlink_lib64; "

symlink_lib64() {

ln -s /lib ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib64


When I use that same code with Yocto thud, I get the following build error:

DEBUG: Executing shell function prelink_image

Size before prelinking 818112.

Could not record directory /lib/modules-load.d: No such file or directory

WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.

Looking at the image generation diagram here (
it would seem to indicate that IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND runs after the
linker steps in do_rootfs. So it is unclear why prelink is failing during
the do_image phase.

Where is the correct place to create a /lib -> /lib64 symlink in our image

Thank you,

Khem Raj
2018-11-29 00:27:45 UTC
Can you try postprocess instead of preprocess
Post by Chuck Wolber
Background: I have an image that works in pyro. I am migrating the image
to thud.
Some of the add-on code to our image requires the /lib64 directory (in
particular the VirtualBox Additions). I have proven that a simple symlink
(/lib -> /lib64) fixes the problem. This symlink was being applied with the
IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "symlink_lib64; "
symlink_lib64() {
ln -s /lib ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib64
DEBUG: Executing shell function prelink_image
Size before prelinking 818112.
Could not record directory /lib/modules-load.d: No such file or directory
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
Looking at the image generation diagram here (
it would seem to indicate that IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND runs after the
linker steps in do_rootfs. So it is unclear why prelink is failing during
the do_image phase.
Where is the correct place to create a /lib -> /lib64 symlink in our image
Thank you,
yocto mailing list
2018-11-29 03:20:21 UTC
This is because prelink_image is also in IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND.

= " prelink_setup; prelink_image; "

And as it's using _append, it will be after your 'symlink_lib64'.
Maybe using IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND_append = " symlink_lib64; " would
work for you?

Best Regards,
Chen Qi
Post by Chuck Wolber
Background: I have an image that works in pyro. I am migrating the
image to thud.
Some of the add-on code to our image requires the /lib64 directory (in
particular the VirtualBox Additions). I have proven that a simple
symlink (/lib -> /lib64) fixes the problem. This symlink was being
IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "symlink_lib64; "
symlink_lib64() {
ln -s /lib ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib64
DEBUG: Executing shell function prelink_image
Size before prelinking 818112.
Could not record directory /lib/modules-load.d: No such file or directory
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
Looking at the image generation diagram here
it would seem to indicate that IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND runs after the
linker steps in do_rootfs. So it is unclear why prelink is failing
during the do_image phase.
Where is the correct place to create a /lib -> /lib64 symlink in our
image recipe?
Thank you,
Chuck Wolber
2018-11-30 02:23:56 UTC
Thank you, switching to IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND_append seems to have
solved the problem.

Post by ChenQi
This is because prelink_image is also in IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND.
= " prelink_setup; prelink_image; "
And as it's using _append, it will be after your 'symlink_lib64'.
Maybe using IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND_append = " symlink_lib64; " would
work for you?
Best Regards,
Chen Qi
Background: I have an image that works in pyro. I am migrating the image
to thud.
Some of the add-on code to our image requires the /lib64 directory (in
particular the VirtualBox Additions). I have proven that a simple symlink
(/lib -> /lib64) fixes the problem. This symlink was being applied with the
IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "symlink_lib64; "
symlink_lib64() {
ln -s /lib ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/lib64
DEBUG: Executing shell function prelink_image
Size before prelinking 818112.
Could not record directory /lib/modules-load.d: No such file or directory
WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
Looking at the image generation diagram here (
it would seem to indicate that IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND runs after the
linker steps in do_rootfs. So it is unclear why prelink is failing during
the do_image phase.
Where is the correct place to create a /lib -> /lib64 symlink in our image
Thank you,
“I would challenge anyone here to think of a question upon which we once
had a scientific answer, however inadequate, but for which now the best
answer is a religious one." -Sam Harris